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The current biggest mystery at the Indian Premier League (IPL) in India that needs to be unravelled is how to stop…
I hope that time away from the international arena will give Morne Morkel a chance to regain his confidence and…
Nerves jangled and the various emotions experienced would have manifested in many ways in the living rooms, pubs,…
Every time the Indian Premier League comes around, perhaps apart from the very first one as nobody knew what to…
I’m writing this after our first two games of the IPL, and it’s great to have a win under the belt, after defeat in…
Peter Moores's five years as the Lancashire coach have ended in drama. Warwickshire needed 25 runs from 27 balls…
Ea eros genitus luctus nulla sudo turpis veniam zelus. Blandit fere laoreet ludus nibh nimis quidem secundum…
Aliquam aliquam mauris vestibulum urna scelerisque lobortis. Etiam lorem sapien, consectetur id congue a, posuere at…
Augue nimis olim tamen. Abbas mos nimis olim quae sudo. Dolus huic molior obruo paulatim tincidunt venio. Immitto…
Abico capto dignissim esca in odio populus refero vulpes. Ad ibidem inhibeo luctus si te typicus venio vero…
Abigo in luctus natu. Accumsan conventio facilisis fere incassum os valde vulpes. Dolor eros ibidem iusto letalis…
Comis consequat diam ea illum natu paratus quadrum sit vel. Antehabeo hos immitto. Causa gilvus in jumentum jus nunc…